What is your best quality?

From this list, which color do you like the most or which one best identifies with you?

Which sentence would best define you?

The first reaction when a friendship betrays you is...

Your opinion about money is...

You wake up on a desert island, what do you do first?

Your friend got into a fight with a gang, how do you help him?

Which Future: 0 character are you?
A cheerful and charismatic person. You are quite good with words and usually get out of all the problems that way. You try to keep a smile on your face when you are with people, even if sometimes you want to express something else. You can go a long way to achieve your goal.
An intelligent and solitary person. You don't usually tell others about your problems, not because you don't trust them, but because you believe that you are the only person capable of solving them. Although you don't show a lot of feelings with people, you care a lot about those close to you.
You find it hard to trust people and therefore do not usually open your circle when you meet someone decent. You are somewhat pessimistic and believe that social differences are still present. Even so, you have a good heart and do not usually let anyone of your friends or family suffer, so you try to help them as much as you can, even if it frustrates you to be able to do little at times.
A responsible and friendly person. You believe that violence only makes things worse and that the best way to be happy is to surround yourself with people who make you happy and get rid of those who do not. You tend to handle yourself well in a complicated situation. You try to be nice to everyone, even if they have done something bad to you.
ou are an intelligent person with a strong personality. You have your goals set and you are eager to achieve them, although you are aware of your limitations, so you try not to let them go to your head. You try not to regret what you choose and although sometimes you go crazy, you are very loyal to your loved ones.
You have a somewhat aggressive temperament if things don't go your way, both with yourself and with others at times. You tend to react to things spontaneously. Even so, you are one of the most protective people there is and you are usually a very trustworthy and faithful person with those close to you.
You are a person who can't stand people who complain for no reason and don't value what they have. You are quite independent and you believe that your effort is what makes you who you are, although it is somewhat conditioned by your economic situation and other factors. You tend to be very protective of those you love.
Muchas preguntas y respuestas variadas, lo cual hace que se generen muchas posibilidades. Además, algunas de las respuestas te hacen reflexionar, son profundas. En alguna de ellas quizá hubiera escogido más de una respuesta.
Se sale de las típicas preguntas simplonas y me ofrece opciones que de verdad haría/diría yo. Muy cómodo de completar.
Nunca había estado en una encuesta, la verdad bastante cómodo.
Todo tipo de preguntas, a lo mejor no he encontrado una respuesta correcta para mí en alguna parte pero bastante bien, repetiría.
Un cordial saludo
Me ha tocado Abril. Aunque, en alguna pregunta he tenido dudas entre una respuesta u otra, me encuentro muy satisfecha con el resultado. Habéis hecho un gran trabajo, enhorabuena.